Ezee-On 2100 Loader
Stock#2260 Ezee-On 2100 Loader w/brackets, 7ft bucket, fits 4040 JD bucket & places on loader rusted. Price $1950. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#2260 Ezee-On 2100 Loader w/brackets, 7ft bucket, fits 4040 JD bucket & places on loader rusted. Price $1950. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#2973 Case IH L500 Loader w/brackets, has joystick, fits CX100 IH Tractor, MFD w/cab. Price $4250. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#2908 Bushhog 6045 Front end Loader with brackets, skid steer attachment, 7ft bucket, fits TS11 5A Tractor. Price $3750. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#1369 Allied 790 Loader w/brackets, hay spear, 6ft bucket, fits 1466 IH tractor. Price $2250. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#1614 Wylie Hooded Sprayer, 8 row, 3pt, 300 gallon tank, 40in spacing, hydraulic fold. Price $1500. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#1573 Wylie 300 gallon Tank, hydraulic pump, 30ft boom, 3pt monitor. Price $ 3250. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#3210 2023 Continental Belton 100 gal, boom 22ft Sprayer with hand sprayer, 3 point hook up, like new. Price $3900. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#1011198 Case IH Spx 4260 self propelled sprayer, Ag Leader Monitor, 4023 hours, 90ft boom on 20in spacing. Price $35,000. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#3253 Nurse Tank, 800 gallon tank, pull type, 6.5 hp motor with pump. Price $2950. Call 254-582-3000.
Stock#9851 John Deere 6620 Combine with 220 Grain Header, 24.5-5-32 front tires, back axle welded, 11.2-24 rear tires, w/ 220 JD grain platform, hume reel Call 254-582-3000.