Sheep & Goats

//Sheep & Goats

Alpine/Kiko goats for sale

1 buck, 11 months old, family pet, ready to service; 4 does, 2 one year old sisters, desperate to mate; One two year old, mother to the buck; One older doe and mother to the [...]

Pygmy -Dwarf Nigerian Goats

5 boys born 10.14.24 ! 3 girls born 10.14.24 We have Pygmy/Dwarf Nigerian babies for sale. Both blue eyed . Web page www.goatsvilleusa/ Also They are $200 for a boy and $300 for a [...]


Boer Billy. $300 Rural Cisco, Texas. Call between 7:00-10:00 pm. 254-643-1315


Good Dorper buck & ewe lambs. Ranging from 3 -6 months old. Around 80 head available. $150 on buck lambs and $190 on ewe lambs. Cash sales only please. 325-451-7120


Mobile slaughter and processing service located in Central Texas offering custom meat processing and packaging at your farm or ranch. We are licensed by the state of Texas, making it possible for us to work [...]

Fenton Farms

Blue eyed Nigerian dwarf goats for sale 150.00 936-336-4465