We buy salvage farm equipment*
We can sell your surplus & construction equipment at online auction anywhere in the US. We buy salvage tractors, combines, hay & farm equipment. Call us if you have a TERP grant. Kaddatz Auctioneering & [...]
We can sell your surplus & construction equipment at online auction anywhere in the US. We buy salvage tractors, combines, hay & farm equipment. Call us if you have a TERP grant. Kaddatz Auctioneering & [...]
KADDATZ AUCTIONEERING & FARM EQUIPMENT SALES Appraisals, Liquidations & Hauling New & Used Parts, Tires and Rims. Hillsboro, TX 254-582-3000 akaddatz@yahoo.com Order parts on-line kaddatzequipment.com TSX #6676