5 boys born 10.14.24 ! 3 girls born 10.14.24
We have Pygmy/Dwarf Nigerian babies for sale. Both blue eyed . Web page www.goatsvilleusa/homestead.com Also facebook.com/goatsvilleusa They are $200 for a boy and $300 for a girl. Included in the price is a bag of frozen goats milk per baby, banding of the boy if so desired (castration), CDT shots for their 1st year of life. We have sold to the Dallas, Ft.Worth and Houston zoos so they have been tested for many things and found healthy. Please call 972.400.0113 to come out and see the babies. We sell in pairs only as goats do not do well by themselves.
I have babies that will need to be fed milk 3 times a day for 7 weeks. OR I HAVE WEANED, CASTRATED BOYS AVAILABLE All with current CDT shots, Pneumonia vaccination and worming completed
If you want me to hold them for you until weaned I can do that for $ half down to hold them.
Good Goats ain’t cheap and Cheap goats ain’t good. Isn’t that true of everything we purchase in life?
I thought about that when I helped a customer of mine with his goat that was losing her hair. I think we fixed her up in time but try to get that help from someone you buy a goat from at a Flea Market!